If There IS a God, Will You Get into His Heaven?
Let’s postulate, just for argument’s sake, that there is a god. So after we die we go to . . . ?
Well, here’s the first problem . . .
Let’s postulate, just for argument’s sake, that there is a god. So after we die we go to . . . ?
Well, here’s the first problem . . .
Toby Huff shows how Christianity retreated from pure faith (and Islamic-style fundamentalism) in the face of reason and science. And why it happened in the west—and NOT in Islamic countries, Eastern (Byzantine) Christianity, or in China.
When Moses led the Israelites from Egypt, they brought their monotheistic God, Yahweh, with them and proceeded to wipe out the Canaanites and occupy their lands.
That’s the standard story.
But to go by Robert Wright’s exposition in his book, The Evolution of God, it’s wrong on every count.
“If God is good why does he permit suffering [and evil]?”